Petros Martirosyan
Inspection Bodies’ Coordination Bureau
Curriculum Vitae
Date/place of birth
August 20, 1986, Yerevan
2007 - Graduated from Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law, Department of Law, receiving a bachelor's degree
2012 - Graduated from the Department of International Relations of Yerevan State University, Faculty of International Relations, receiving a master's degree
2018 - Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Russian- Armenian University, receiving the degree of candidate of legal sciences
2010-2011 - Studied at the "Prosecutor’s School" SNCO
2018-2019 - Studied at the Academy of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia
Work experience
2012-2014 - Prosecutor at the Prosecutor's Office of Lori Province
2014-2016 - Senior Prosecutor at the Prosecutor's Office of Lori Province
2016-2017 - Prosecutor at the Department of Investigating Particularly Important Cases of the General Prosecutor's Office of Armenia
2017-2019 - Deputy Prosecutor of Avan and Nor Nork administrative districts of Yerevan city
2019-2021 - Prosecutor of Syunik Province
2021-2022 - Prosecutor of Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan city
2022-2023 - Prosecutor of Arabkir and Kanaker-Zeytun administrative districts of Yerevan city
Since August 22, 2023 - Head of the Office of Coordination of Inspection Bodies of the Prime Minister's Staff
Other information
Author and co-author of a number of scientific articles. Awarded with a number of encouragement medals.
Fluent in English and Russian languages.
Party affiliation